TAWK Featured Family - Happy Travellers Oz

Another family agreeing to appear as a 'TAWK Featured Family' is the Adams Family.  They do have Facebook and you can request to be their friends to share their adventures - Adams Family on the Road

1.   About you

We are the Adams Family. We've been on the road for a year and a half. We are travelling in a camper trailer with 2 children aged 7 & 5.

2.   Why did you make your decision to TAWK?

We got sick of living in suburbia and the rut of everyday life. We also just really wanted to see Australia so we made the decision to do it.

3.   How did you get organised and how did you prepare?

My husband started customising our trailer first of all by adding a camper trailer top to it, added a water tank, built a custom kitchen for the trailer, attached pipes for holding tent poles, added gas bottle holders, a place for our generator, also customised our 4x4 van by taking out the middle row of seats and added underfloor storage, above head storage, solar panels on the roof storage box, deep cycle battery system.

We also bought other things we thought we may need for example a good fridge/freezer, camp oven, hot water system. Made sure we had spares of things, tools, etc. We also did some research on where to go and a rough idea of a route to take. We enrolled the kids in distance education as well.

We sold all the stuff back home that we didn't need or want and the rest went into a storage unit. Then basically just packed the trailer and car and left!

4.  What has been your biggest joy?

Having the freedom to go where we want to go and see all the natural beauty Australia has to offer and exposing the kids to this lifestyle.

5. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

While on the Tanami Road coming back from Wolfe Creek Crater we broke a leaf spring on the trailer, couldn't get parts in the nearest town (Halls Creek) and had to wait all day & all night in Halls Creek for a part to be delivered from Kununurra. Then having to drive back in early hours of the morning to where the trailer was stranded and fix it on the side of the road.

Also, in Karratha WA we all got sick and had hospital visits, as well as getting a flat tyre, flat battery and copping 209 mm of rainfall in 24 hours along with heavy winds. We had to put a huge tarp over the tent and batten down until the storms passed. We had to spend a few extra days in Karratha until we were all well enough to leave.

6.   Where have you enjoyed the most?

We haven't yet down the east coast, but so far our favourite place is Darwin and surrounds (in particular Berry Springs area), we have been back here twice and the weathers great plus there is lots to see & do.

7.   Where disappointed you the most?

Cervantes, WA - Although the Pinnacles are worth a visit, Cervantes as a town & a coastline was a disappointment. Beaches covered in seaweed, shore fishing not great, inadequate shops & services and overpriced. Unfriendly locals.

8.   What surprised you most about the trip?

How big crocodiles actually are in real life close up!  Also, prices of petrol in a lot of places, especially northern WA and Central Australia where the highest we saw was Curtin Springs on the way to Uluru at $2.31 a litre for unleaded.

9.   What would be three pieces of advice to give to a future TAWKer?

  1. Be flexible with your route planning, Be prepared to go with the flow as some places you will want to stay longer than expected. 
  2. Budget for a lot of petrol consumption and also make sure you have plenty of petrol in reserve as there are long distances between petrol stations in a lot of places and you don't want to get caught short. 
  3. Really think about what you need and don't bring unnecessary stuff, as it just takes up valuable space and adds weight.

10.   How do you think that this adventure has changed your family?

It has broadened the whole family's horizons (especially the kids) and the way we look at Australia and what is really happening in the country and what its all about. We all realise that we don't need as much stuff as we think to enjoy life. The kids are getting to see and experience things that the average child doesn't get to see & experience. We couldn't imagine going back to supposedly "normal" life in a house in suburbia at the moment.
For us this is more than just a holiday, it is a total lifestyle change (a change for the better).

Basically just do it! Don't let people drag you down, you may have people who are not brave enough to do this sort of thing try to bring you down or change your mind. Don't listen, just go for it. It really is not as hard and daunting as most people think it is going to be.

This sort of lifestyle is not for everyone, especially if you are materialistic and rely on creature comforts & the security that a house offers, if this is you then you may find it a bit tough unless you have lots to spend on a fancy caravan. If this is not you then it can be a great lifestyle and a totally liberating experience.

Also, be open to doing any kind of work in exchange for site fees at caravan parks or extra cash here & there because it really helps the budget, all you have to do is ask and some people are really grateful for the extra help.

If you would like to be a part of the TAWK Featured Family page and share your Australian Road Trip with everyone, then please complete the form below and I will send you the details.  The more of us that share our journeys, hopefully we will inspire other families to get out there and travel our wonderful country.

If you think you'd like to turn your family travel blog into a little online business then this video will give you food for thought.

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