Australian Road Trips - 2018 Featured Families

Here we feature our 2018 family's Australian Road Trips and the families that are doing it - We figure, the best way to find out more about Travelling Australia With Kids (TAWKing) is by answering our TAWK Ten Questions by those are are doing it or have done it. 

Answering the TAWK Ten Questions, our Featured Families give you their answers to:

  1. Who they are, with a bit of a bio.
  2. Why did they make the decision decision to TAWK?
  3. How they got organised and how they prepared?
  4. What has been their biggest joy?
  5. What has been their biggest challenge and how they overcome it?
  6. Where they have enjoyed the most and where they were disappointed. (now a combined question)
  7. How did they get organised with schooling, what did/do they do and how did they come to that decision?
  8. What surprised them most about the trip?
  9. What would be three pieces of advice they would give to a future TAWKer?
  10. How do they think that this adventure has changed their family?
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Also visit the previous years Australian Road Trip's pages, 2017, 2016 and 2015

If you would like to feature then please complete the form at the bottom of the page and we'll send you further information.


Australian Road Trips 2018

Livan for Now

Hello, we are the Sealby family from Brisbane. We are a family of 6 taking a year to travel Australia. Our house on wheels is a 24ft Jayco Expanda Outback. Our "are we there yet" machine is a Y62 Nissan patrol v8 petrol. 

We've been on the road for 4 - 5 months doing an anti clockwise lap from Brisbane. Our names are Corey and Ally and our kids are Mackayla 15 , Chloe 13, Cody 10 and Ava 8.

Travelling Australia with kids is something we've had in the back of our mind for a long time but like a lot of people we thought this was an unrealistic goal. Ally's parents dream was to travel Australia when they retired. Unfortunately they both lost their life at an early age and never got to fulfill their lifelong dream. We are travelling Australia in their honour. 

Read more of our story here...

Nov 2018

Rhythm Of Our Tribe

We are the Warren Tribe, a family of six, Glenn, Kelly and our four children, Finley (12), Marlow (7), Harper (5) and Sunnie (3).  We're travelling in a Landrover Defender and an Airstream.  We decided to hit the road since exiting the dairy industry after 20 years.

This was our first real opportunity to travel, so we made the decision and haven't looked back! We sold our machinery, our cows and our house, we took the older three children out of school and we headed west! We had no real plan, other than exploring this beautiful country together and trying to get waves along the way as we're all keen surfers.

Read more about us here....

Sept 2018

Meandering Middos

Hi, we are the Meandering Middos and we consist of Michelle, Steve, Ash - 7 and George - 4. We took 12 months out of our ordinary lives in Canberra to travel around Australia with our Aussie Swag camper trailer and see as much of this big wide country as we could. We've been on the road for a spectacular 6 months now and we are looking forward to what the next 6 months is going to offer.

Our biggest joy is being somewhere new every couple of days and constantly finding out what is over the horizon. There is just so much to see and do in this huge country of ours.

Read more about our story and the incident with the car (!) here...

August 2018

Trip in a Van - 2018

Trip in a Van are one of the most followed travelling families at the moment.  They were one of our first Feature Families way back in March of 2016.  So as they are still travelling, we thought it would be great to get them to answer the TAWK Ten Questions once again.

Now they have managed to turn their travels into a business and what better way to live and work than travelling Australia with your kids.

So please have a read of their answers to the TAWK Ten Questions two and quarter years on

July 2018

Breals On Wheels 

We are the Brearley Family from Dunsborough WA and have been on the road for almost 3 months.  Jeff (39), Jodie (34), Sky (4,5) and Bella (3).

We are traveling in a Toyota Landcruiser with a Aura Caravan from Cameron Caravans.  We plan to be on the road for 12 months and going clockwise from Dunsborough WA.

We have our own business and my husband was so stressed and sick of work, that on our yearly holiday up north we made the decision to go home and plan our trip for the following year to travel Australia. We were in a good position with our own home so we thought why not rent that out so we had something to come back to and just hit the road.

Read more about our story here! 

July 2018

Cam and Jaiden's Excellent Adventure 

I’m Cam and am a single dad to my 9 year old son, Jaiden. We hit the road back in 2012 when Jaiden was 3 and did 18 months on the road. After some damage to our caravan we moved to a rural property in Blackbutt QLD and spent 3 years out there living and loving the rural / farming lifestyle!

The problem was, we both missed travelling.. So mid 2017 I asked Jaiden if he wanted to travel again, he said yes, so we worked our butts off to make it happen and hit the road again late 2017.

Read more about our story here! 

July 2018

Mac's Tracks

We are Mac's Tracks (the Macdonald family) from Melbourne, Victoria. Marta (36), Brett (36), Ella (6) and Mia (4).

We've left our daily lives behind and taken off on the trip of a lifetime for 12 months - exploring Australia in our 2014 Toyota Prado, towing an off-road Cub Escape camper trailer.

After some personal circumstances over the past few years, the reality that life is short and we should seize the day really hit home. This trip had been a 'someday' dream for us since a month long tent camping trip along the NSW North Coast, in our early twenties (pre kids).

Read more of our story here..

June 2018

MILSY Pezwardo

Hi! I am Millie – I am a mum, wife, midwife & keen sewer from the Central Coast of NSW. I am an over sharer, an over thinker and I use exclamation marks excessively! 

My little family & I are on an indefinite trip around Australia! We stop to work when we need money and travel around checking out this great country when we don't! My travel companions are Andrew (husband/boilermaker) Ruby (8) & 6 year old twins Rosie & Zac and last but not least our dog Pippy!

Read more about our story here..

June 2018

On The Roam Again - Trip Straya 

We are the Russell's, zig-zagging our way around OZ. Hubby Ryan and I Cassie have 4 children in tow - Nicola 12, Jamie 10, Holly 7 & Violet 3. We didn't think twice before we decided to do it in a Trak Shak, soft floor camper trailer.We have had some amazing highs and plenty of lows. We even went to bed one night with the plan to turn back after 9 months.

We have now been on the road 12 months with many more adventures in the pipeline. When I stress about money Ryan just says "They still make it, we just have to earn it".

Read more about our story here..

June 2018

Charman's Classics 

We are the Charman family! Me, Alana, 34, Nathan, 38, Dacoda, 15, and Ella, 12. We took twelve months leave from our jobs, and packed up our home on the far north coast of NSW to travel Australia for the year.

We have only been on the road for just over two weeks, but we are loving every minute so far! After much deliberation, we decided on a Jayco Swan Outback as our home on wheels.

Read more about our story here..

May 2018

Let's Go That Way

We are a family of 4. Tom, Claire, Halen (2.5) Varli (1).  We sold our house in Brisbane and bought a Jayco Starcraft outback to hit the road full time. We don't have a plan as such, just chasing the sun.

When we sold our house in Brisbane we were living on the central coast and looking to buy down there. We couldn't find a house we loved so we took that as a sign to take off and travel.

This is an amazing lifestyle and a decision you won't regret!

Read more about our story here..

May 2018

The Tea Towel Trip 

We are 'The Tea Towel Trip!' The Johnston family travelling this incredible country, collecting tea towels and memories as we go.

We are Sally (Mum, Bank Manager & organiser extraordinaire), Dave (Dad, Project Manager & The voice of reason), Alice (Big sister, pocket rocket & social butterfly) and Molly (Little sister, comedian & friend collector). 

We are half way into our half lap in our Triton (Frank) & New Age Manta Ray (Henry). 

Read more about our story here..

May 2018

Why Not Us

We are the Finns, an average aussie family of 5. Dani (Dad 32) Aimee (Mum 31) Farren (9) Lucas (5) Addison (3). We've left our home, jobs, family and friends to follow our dreams and travel. We decided to call our little adventure - Why Not Us? Our one and only plan is to give people the inspiration they need to do the same.

We've always talked of buying a van and travelling Australia, but we always seemed to come up with an excuse as to why we couldn't. Until one day it just clicked that when is ever the right time? When our children are too old and don't want to hang out with us anymore?  Nope, we decided our time is now!

Read more about our story here..

April 2018

Zahlis Big Lap

We are the Zahlmann family from Gippsland Victoria.  We were getting sick of the everyday nine to five and not spending as much time with our kids as we'd like.

We are Michael (36), Ebony (31), Maddyn (2,5) & Emery (1). We are travelling in a Pajero & Jayco Expanda. We plan to be on the road for 12 months and we are going clockwise from Melbourne. 

Here we answer the TAWK ten questions of our journey so far, enjoy.......

April 2018

WOT - Williams Oz Travels

We're the Williams family. And we're on our Oz Travels. So, we're the Williams Oz Travels (WOT!). We are from the UK and are loving our OZ Adventure.

We're a young family of four travelling around Australia for more than 3 months at the start of 2018.  We're made of James (Dad), Catherine (Mum), Rosie (3 year old daughter and Lottie (6 month old daughter). 

We're travelling from Perth to Cairns via Melbourne, The Great Ocean Road, Canberra, Uluru, Sydney the East Coast from Sydney to Cairns. Plus we'll be coming in via Singapore and out via Kuala Lumpar. We're flying everywhere, except two stints of driving in a camper van on the Great Ocean Road (6 nights) and the east coast from Sydney to Cairns (28 nights).

Read more of our story here...

Mar 2018

Follow Travel Australia With Kids's board TAWK Featured Families Photos on Pinterest.

Nessy's Gift

We are a family of four being myself Ness, Katie 8 Lochie 6 and Lucy our Pomeranian 2 years.

We have been travelling 3 years this coming March and this is second lap. I work as I'm travelling as a psychic doing readings to help fund our trip. A real travelling gypsy! I wish I had a gypsy wagon but I don't, we have a caravan and a hilux ute.

My kids are both home schooled through school of air which we all find challenging frustrating but definitely educational.

We answer the TAWK 10 Questions about our story here...

The Wandering Steels

We are a family of 4 with mum, dad & 2 children (8 & 4). As a family we have always loved camping and exploring. The kids thrive outdoors getting filthy and having fun.

One of our pieces of advice is "Stop dreaming and set a date - if you are able to uproot temporarily or long term then jump at the opportunity. Life is not guaranteed, why wait until the house is paid off or you have saved loads of money, there are many ways to survive and thrive on the road.

We answer the TAWK 10 Questions here...

Jan 2018

Click here for the 2015 and 2016 and 2017 TAWK Featured Families

Featured Family Form

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