Australian Road Trips - Featured Families

Here we feature Australian Road Trips and the families that are doing it - We figure, the best way to find out more about Travelling Australia With Kids (TAWKing) is by answering our TAWK Ten Questions by those are are doing it or have done it. 

Answering the TAWK Ten Questions, our Featured Families give you their answers to:

  1. Who they are, with a bit of a bio.
  2. Why did they make the decision decision to TAWK?
  3. How they got organised and how they prepared?
  4. What has been their biggest joy?
  5. What has been their biggest challenge and how they overcome it?
  6. Where they have enjoyed the most and where they were disappointed. (now a combined question)
  7. How did they get organised with schooling, what did/do they do and how did they come to that decision?
  8. What surprised them most about the trip?
  9. What would be three pieces of advice they would give to a future TAWKer?
  10. How do they think that this adventure has changed their family?
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Also visit the previous years Australian Road Trip's pages, 2017, 2016 and 2015

If you would like to feature then please complete the form at the bottom of the page and we'll send you further information.

Australian Road Trips 



G’day from our little corner of the internet! We’re the Robertson family from Benalla in Regional VIC. We sold up and hit the road in February 2024.

Sam (Mum), at 40 years young, is the resident travel planner. Constantly discovering new places and, let’s be real, draining the bank account!! If there’s a hidden gem out there, Sam will find it—and book it!

Robo (Dad), age 38, is the families go-to guy for anything practical.

Need a driver? Call Robo! Got something that needs fixing? Robo’s your man. Electrical problem? Yep, that’s Robo too. He’s our Mr. Fix-It, making sure everything runs smoothly on the road! Without him, we’d probably be lost somewhere with a flat tire and no phone signal!!

Evan – our 4-year-old tornado! This little dynamo’s curiosity is off the charts. Evan’s always reminding us to see life through his eyes. From learning new words to figuring out how things work, Evan can give you a rundown on the hydro dams in Tasmania and the mines in Tom Price.

And let’s not forget “Penny the Beagle”. At 10 years old, Penny is the wise, furry soul of our family. Always ready to sniff out a new adventure (or treat!)

 Read more of our story here...



We’re the Mac’s - Grant, Tamara, Bodhi, Kai and Blaire.

We traded our day to day life for travel and adventure. We sold our house, car and belongings to set ourselves up with a touring rig. We pressed pause on our careers and decided to give our little people an education like no other.
Living through the travel journey of others we finally realised it was time to do this ourselves and spend as many of these 18 summers they say you get with your children.

Flying by the seat of our pants, no real direction in mind and living by our name “EVERYDAZE A SUNDAY!”

Read more of our story here...

In No Rush

We are the Rush family. We have been on the road for 6 months (since April 2021) we are a family of 6, Mum -  Mandi, Dad - Conon, and 4 kids, Sam - 14, Shaylea - 9, Sienna - 7 and Anita - 5. We have a Jayco  Expanda. We also travel with Mandi's parents - Diane and Robert, they have their own caravan, a Jayco Starcraft. 

We decided to start TAWKing when Conon's best friend got sick with Cancer, and passed away shortly after. We decided that life is too short to be confined to a house doing the daily ritual. We decided that we wanted to give our kids great long-lasting memories and spend more time together. 

Read more of our story here...


Hi, we are AdventuringPals, a family of 4, mum and dad (Eshlyn and Elvin) with two young boys (Jaiden and Jordan) and we have been working and travelling around Australia since March of 2019. We tow our 2010 Jayco Expanda with our Mitshubishi Triton and that is our home.

We are active on the common social media sites and have a webpage but our YouTube channel has been the main focus with weekly uploads. It's been a great way to document our travels for our own future reflection and to provide other families and travelers with insight into some amazing locations around the country.

We answer the TAWK 10 Questions here...

Overland Exposure

We are the Courtney family. Dan, 34, landscape photographer & veteran, Manda, 33, admin, social media & photography assistant, & Aria, 3, chief distraction officer - together we make up 'Overland Exposure'.

We hit the road in November 2020 and have no end date. We are travelling in our Iveco Daily 4x4 and Retreat Fraser caravan. We make a weekly YouTube episode along with social media posts and blog articles to inspire and educate other families to get on the road too. We love sharing advice, hints, tips, hidden gems, adventures and of course our photography.

Read our answers here....

The Happy Hobo's

We are The Happy Hobo's.  Harvey, Paulette, Kaden 15 & Libby 10 plus our two dogs a chocolate Labrador Milo & Yorkshire terrier Pep.

A mixture of circumstances lead to our decision to go for it.  We have always enjoyed travelling and had itchy feet. We sadly lost our home , possessions and cat to a electrical fire in 2018. Covid hit Victoria and Paulette's dad passed away in the UK and we were unable to return for the funeral due to Covid. 

So lessons were learnt over the last few years of what is important: Time as a family making memories. ❤

We answer the TAWK Ten Questions here...

5 Pods in a Van

We are the Podolak family, also known as 5 Pods in a Van, from Ipswich.  We are a family of 5 with Me (Michael), Krisy and 3 kids Poppy (8), Leo (7) and Autumn (6).  We initially decided to travel Australia in 2019 after some discussion that life and the best years with our kids were getting away from us.  

The recent Covid outbreaks have definitely demonstrated to us that we need to do it now or time will get away from us again.  So here we are, finally setting off on our exploration of Aus

Click here to see us answer the TAWK Ten Questions.  

Speed Dating Australia!

We are the van Wijk Family.  Mum (Pippa), Dad (Wayne), and 3 kids April (14), Fraser (13) and Erin (11).    We bought a 1990 14ft Windsor Windcheater 2 years ago to renovate specifically for a trip around Australia.  At the start of 2020 we postponed due to Covid. At the start of 2021 we decided it was now or never as a family as our children were getting older.  We called our trip "Speed-Dating Australia" and travelled for 100 days circumnavigating Australia from April-June.

A good read for families who are thinking of travelling with older kids!  Read more here.

Follow Travel Australia With Kids's board TAWK Featured Families Photos on Pinterest.

Click here for more 201520162017 and 2018 TAWK Featured Families

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