TAWK Featured Family -
'Chuckaboondie Travellers'

December 2015

1.   About you

We are the Harvey Family, we have been travelling Australia for 12 months now. There's my husband Troy, myself Nikki, Jaxon (9) and Mitchell (7). We started our travel in a Coromal Appeal Caravan leaving from Bunbury , WA and have just recently purchased a 40 foot Denning bus . Our home on wheels.

We are currently parked up in Yagaburne QLD on a wheat and cattle property topping up the funds and giving the boys some school time.

2.   Why did you make your decision to TAWK?

We first decided to travel Australia with the kids when Jaxon was only 9 months old and I was pregnant with Mitchell, but admittedly with two children under 15 months old and a heap of debt it was never going to happen. So we purchased a house just outside my home town of Bunbury in Burekup to be close to family.

In 2012 a series of personal and family events woke us up to the reality that there was more to life than work and bills and the dream to once again travel Australia was re ignited.

3.   How did you get organised and how did you prepare?

Once we'd made the decision to travel. The preparation was pretty easy. We knew we didn't want the stress of a rental property or a big mortgage hanging over head so we put our dream home on the market as well as our investment property. That for me was the hardest decision as I loved our house. But at the end of the day its just a house and home is where you make it!

While waiting for the houses to sell we purchased a second hand caravan and had weekend trips away ironing out all the little things. All up it was 6 months from putting the house on the market to leaving on this adventure.

4.  What has been your biggest joy?

The biggest joy for us is that we are finally living as a family full time. Troy has been a FIFO worker for most of the boys life. To have this time together to build memories as a family is amazing. Also seeing the relationship building between the boys and their Dad is pretty special.

5. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?

We found the biggest challenge was getting Troy to slow down and relax. After working 12 hour days and being away from the family 6 months of the year to constantly being with the three of us in a small space has been  difficult for all of us. I guess we've overcome the space issue by buying a bigger mobile home a 40 foot Denning bus. We've also stopped for work on a farm and been lucky enough that the job also came with a beautiful big Queenslander house its also allowed us to put the boys into school for 6 months so that they also get "their" time.

6.   Where have you enjoyed the most?

Its hard to pick one spot and I'm sure if you ask each of us we'd all have different answers. From beautiful sunsets, cold rainy days, crossing the Nullabor and Coober Pedy.   But for me being able to catch up with friends who some of them we haven’t seen for more than ten years has been brilliant.

7.   Where disappointed you the most?

There's no where that has really disappointed us. What is disappointing is caravan parks that charge upwards of $7.50 per child a night and don't offer any extra facilities for the kids. No pools or play grounds.  (We are working on this!  Check out the TAWKer Supporter Caravan Park Page committed to giving at least 2 nights FREE for the kids* - TAWK)

8.   What surprised you most about the trip?

That we are enjoying it all so much we don’t want to stop!!  How happy the kids are too. The change in them is incredible.

9.   What would be three pieces of advice to give to a future TAWKer?

1)   What are you waiting for? Just do it! - it doesn't matter if its for 2 months 6 months or 5 years. The only regret you'll have is not giving it a go . You can always turn around and go back if its not for you.

2)    Don't over plan your trip and be flexible, enjoy the moment.

3)    Don't over pack. Everything you need will be available on the road.

10.   How do you think that this adventure has changed your family?

This trip has bought us all alot closer as a family. We are all much happier and whole lot less stressed. Our life used to be dictated to us by work hours , school hours and money. We've turned that all around and now live life on our terms.

We'd love you to read more about our journey, so please visit our website: Chuckaboondie.com and of course like our Facebook page!

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If you think you'd like to turn your family travel blog into a little online business then this video will give you food for thought.