Activity Sheets for Kids travelling Australia

Activity Sheets for Kids in the areas that you are travelling. Here for you to download and print.

There is so much learning to be had when travelling Australia and we thought some relevant Activity Sheets for Kids in the areas that you are visiting would be a great way to make the most of the area and reinforce the kids experiences and memories and of course education!

"I downloaded these and they are sooooo good!!! So many pages for each area. The Broome one alone is 17 pages. My boys have actually enjoyed completing them too - and they normally hate school work!! - Julie Johnson"

Schooling is one thing BUT learning opportunities on the road are vast and these Activity Sheets for Kids take advantage of these opportunities. They have been written by not only a teacher BUT a TAWKing one!  Lisa Gass wrote her book Kids on the Road Northern Territory and it is a huge success in the TAWKing community. When she decided to get out on the road again, it seemed only natural for her to expand and write these Activity Sheets in the areas that she was visiting.  With her kids in tow, she made sure to include all the things they were interested in learning.

Activity Sheets for Kids 

What age group are they aimed at?

They are aimed at 7+ so the 7 - 12 age group and it would also be fine for a 13 year old as long as they're not 'too cool for school'. ;)  AND It can lend itself to younger age groups with the assistance of a parent to explain some of the content and activities.

Adults would find the information in the books fascinating! I certainly do! The content really is for all age groups.  See examples further down the page.

The idea is that you grab the ones that you would like in the area that you are going to.  They come as a download and you can print them off before you go, or on the way - if you have a printer great - otherwise you can take the file to a local post office/library and get them printed there.  We also have a Front Sheet that you can also download (for free) to pop on the front - so it will end up looking like a book or pamphlet depending on how you organise it - see the picture below and how the kids made their own books.

The sheets vary in size/pages depending on content and you have the option to grab them one at a time, or all of them and get a discount.  They are $2.95 per sheet or you as I say if you grab all of them in each state, it works out cheaper.

Western Australia


Savannah Way Activity Sheet

South Australia

Northern Territory


Examples of Activity Sheets for Kids 

The Front Covers to Print 


South Australia Cover


Northern Territory Cover

More Activity Sheets for Kids

More Activity Sheets are coming with Lisa and TAWK working hard to bring them to you.  So please check back often as we continue this great project with Kids on the Road Australia.

So we hope that your kids love the worksheets and it helps you with some education in the areas when you are in them.

If you have any feedback then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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