What is the Full Faced Snorkel Mask really like?

WOW!  WOW!! W O W ! ! !  What a difference this full faced snorkel mask has made to my snorkelling experience.  It's still hard to fathom the difference that this mask would have made for me on our 2 year trip around Australia.  Especially as we lived and worked in Coral Bay for 5 months.  The opportunities I had to snorkel on the amazing Ningaloo Reef BUT I didn't as I just could not get the hang of the whole snorkel tube, blocked nose and mask coordination. Could. Not. Do. It.

What a difference the Ninja Shark Full Faced Snorkel Mask would have made!

When Andrew from Ninja Shark found out about my aversion and fear of snorkelling he asked if he could send a mask to me for me to try and then review.  Emmmmm, I've got to tell you, I was not that keen!  I seriously cannot snorkel.  This would mean I'd have to and then ....what if I hated it?  That would be awkward...

BUT we were going back to Coral Bay for our family holiday and ... my teens could use it.  Plus we had a family coming with us from Canada, with little kids.  Could I cheekily ask for another mask for the kids to try.  Why not!

So I did and he was happy to oblige.  I did warn him that the review might not go well as he was hoping as I'm a massive scaredy cat when it comes to attempting to breath underwater and the 5 year old child concerned had never snorkelled before. However Andrew was confident in his products (and me!) and they arrived in plenty of time for the trip.  In snazzy bags to carry them in too.

Who's first?

The time came, we were heading to meet friends at Oyster Bridge, one of my favourite spots in all of Australia.  It was a beautiful day, the tide was perfect, the weather was perfect and I was running out of excuses.  So I did what all good parents would do...I sent my teens in to try them first!

They were pretty confident with the old style that they'd used for years.  They knew how to snorkel and duck dive, they said that they didn't need a full faced snorkel mask. I told them I needed them to try them, so they agreed.

They loved them and.... get this: preferred them!  They said that no water got into the snorkel, the masks didn't fog, they fitted a treat and no water got in. They duck dived and put them through their paces and loved them.

You would have thought that I would have been pleased..... But it made me more nervous, as I knew my excuses were running out and I would have to give it a go. 

So... I of course, postponed again and offered the new full faced snorkel masks to the rest of our party to use - anything to deflect from me having to commit to going in.

My friends loved them too and so did their 5 year old!  He had never so much as put his head in the water before, he was - and this is hard to believe - more nervous than me!  BUT his dad used the adult mask, loved using it himself and knew his lad would be fine. He fitted the kids mask on Master 5 and in they went.

EEEEK!  I had to do this - it was my turn!

The Ninja Shark Full Faced Snorkel Mask changed everything!!!

When I first surfaced after my snorkel - I could barely speak!  I could not believe it, I could not believe that you could just breath normally with it.  I could just breath as normal.  With this Ninja Shark Full Faced Snorkel Mask; I could and did snorkel. I was not freaking out with every breath, I could breath as normal.  I know, I know, I keep repeating this, but some of you reading this, will understand.  If you have a fear of going underwater or have also never been able to get to grips with the 'traditional' snorkel and goggle sets, then this is for you!  Seriously.  THIS IS FOR YOU!

Have a look at the little video (below) that I made - you get to see me emerging from the water and the disbelief on my face that I could finally snorkel and with the full faced snorkel mask, it was easy!  

Check out the video below - OH and it was Master 5's first time ever snorkelling too..

TAWK Discount on the Ninja Shark Full Faced Snorkel Mask

Ninja Shark have become TAWKer Supporters and would like to offer TAWKers a 10% discount - so when you are ready to order yours, pop in the code TAWK10.

Seriously these masks are top quality and the customer support is second to none.  That's one of the best things about buying from an Aussie Business - not only are we supporting locals, but they care about their business and your satisfaction.  SO if you are considering one of these, then please support them supporting you!

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