Should you join the Travel Blog Brigade?

You're all excited, you can't wait to get started on your trip around Australia, you see so many travelling families blogging about their trip and you can't wait to get started blogging about yours.  Then you think - "I could make some money from our travel blog and help fund our trip."

You see some families getting sponsored, giving away freebies, running competitions and might be thinking that it must be easy to get set up and get the freebies rolling in.  You think, you're pretty savvy and that this is something that you could do too, so 'Should you join the Travel Blog Brigade?'

Maybe.  Maybe you can, maybe you can be the next family that the papers and media love and maybe you can make it a lifestyle.  BUT heads up; it's seriously hard work.  Not to say you couldn't do it, but before you head in all guns blazing, think about what you really want from this? Are you wanting to do this just while you are on the road, are you thinking of a future business around the lifestyle? OR are you thinking of a new business and a new future after travelling - are you thinking long term?

If it's the lifestyle and you think you can make a business around it, do your homework, have a quick look and you will see that most of the families that are or have so far made a big impact on the industry; most have or had kids that did not need to be schooled.

And there's a reason for that; schooling does and will take up a lot of your time. So, do you think you'll then have enough time to dedicate to your new venture, with all the others out there vying for position in this increasingly congested space and still actually enjoy your trip? Mmmm maybe... how old are your kids?  How much time do you think you might have?

We can certainly help you get started with that if you think you can - have a look at our post on Starting a Travel Blog in a few easy steps.  In fact even if you don't want to make money, but just want to blog as you want to record your travels, this will also help you get going with it all, including choosing your travel name - if it has not already been taken.

BUT first ..... I'm going to throw this out there...  What if you think about other passions in your life and use this time on the road to start a business around that?  Then you'll be able to actually enjoy your trip, take photos with your family in mind, rather than the best angle promoting the sleeping bag and the benefits your child has found sleeping in it (although probably not the best example, but you get the idea!).

You could use this time to start an online business.  It's actually easier than it sounds and hopefully you will have some time on the road to think about your passion and how you can turn it into an online business.  Let's face it, if you are doing something that you love, it could almost be a hobby-business. AND it could continue after the trip!

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs

Does this sound like something to consider?  An alternative to jumping on the Travel Blog Treadmill? If so, please continue, have a read on and then weigh up all your options.

Below, I show you the business model that I do, now your don't have to do this at all, all I want you to do is consider if a Travel Blog is the best way for you to go forward for now if making money is your goal, as it will take a while to get good traction and by the time you do get the following and the website visits.... you might be home already.  So I recon it's worth a quick read and you can make your mind up if think another option might be the way to go......

Option One to start your new online business

An all-in-1 package of step-by-step process, (which I needed at the time!). A program that even helps you choose your niche, of course with your interests in mind, but it guides you through to make sure you don't start something that there is little or no demand for - which of course, long term, means no money coming in and no business to come back to!

It has all the software tools, comprehensive guidance, 24/7 support and "auto-updating" that gives you everything you need to build profitable online businesses. The name, the hosting and the platform.  This is what I decided to do with TAWK - yeah I know, OK, OK  it's in the busy travel world BUT in my defense this was 8 years ago now!  Would I do it again with the same niche?  Maybe not to be honest!!

Anyway.... I met a school mum who had her own really successful website going, she was being PAID to review family holiday spots all around the world!  AND she was using SBI!!  So I popped round her house, had a coffee or two and jumped on board. Now I host through them, get business ideas through them and use them as the blogging platform for this site. 

As I say, it includes not only the domain name, but the hosting AND all of the instructions on a Step-By-Step-Basis. Together with an amazing forum of experienced SBIers that know everything.  Even the most stupid of things that you're almost embarrassed to ask, someone has already asked it!  I felt at home!! And I still do.

If you are still interested, have a quick look at this video, yes.... It's all Americans in the video but there's a whole crew of people in Western Australia who use the program and I've caught up with over the years - all in various businesses as you will see also shown here .....

It seriously is the best decision I have made and it's taken me this long to start promoting it, as I now know after doing many other courses (even whilst I've been with them) that this really does have everything!  I've paid for other courses specifically aimed at 'mums in business' and realised I've wasted my money as everything that they tried to teach/show me, was here all the time - Infact the SEO tips and tricks etc is better here!!

Now I chose my niche before I enrolled in the course. I'd suggest, if you agree with what I have said about choosing something other than the travel-sphere, I'd wait and go through SBI's step by step guide before choosing a niche.  Although if you do have something in mind, SBI will help you to work out it it will be profitable.  And remember if you are going down this route, then you want it to be something making money after the trip.

If you have already committed to an idea or even have your own Wordpress site, but just haven't got around to getting it up and running or are at a bit of a loss on how to make your website profitable, then Option Two might be for you.  Best part is you can get yourself a FREE Trial here!

Option Two

If you like the Wordpress platform - and everyone seems to! - BUT you still need some business guidance then SBI have an option to join all the support and business ideas without hosting with them.  You can also get a FREE trial to see what you think about all the information you could be a part of and learn from.  So many ideas, so much experience and a real support system as you start your online journey. Check it out now and have look, as it just might be the guidance and motivation that you need to get you started.

That's about it.  I have often thought, especially recently with all the amazing families starting out on their TAWKing journey and seeing lots of families starting travel blogs with the thoughts of trying to make a business from this with everyone else, that they may be missing their own amazing opportunity in a different field.

If you still want some more info, then these vids might help you make up your mind one way or the other.

Please bear in mind I am an affiliate for them but I seriously would not promote it if I didn't love it! 

Let me know what you think.



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