Travelling Australia With Kids Blog

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Keep updated on all the opportunities that may be given to TAWKers in the future AND all things that you need to know whilst preparing to travel Australia with your kids.

You'll also be updated on things you will be interested in whilst travelling. We'd really appreciate you being interactive on the page as your journey starts and continues. Future TAWKers will thank you too!

Have fun, enjoy the read and your travels!

Feb 07, 2024

TAWKer Supporter Camping Spots - South Australia


Check out the South Australia camping spots offering TAWK Members at least 2 night's FREE camping for the kids.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporter Camping Spots - South Australia"

Feb 07, 2024

TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Queensland


Check out the Queensland camping spots offering TAWK Members at least 2 night's FREE camping for the kids.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Queensland"

Feb 06, 2024

TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Western Australia


Check out the camping spots and caravan parks in Western Australia offering TAWK Members at least 2 night's FREE camping for the kids.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Western Australia"

Feb 06, 2024

TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Victoria


Check out the camping spots and caravan parks in Victoria offering TAWK Members at least 2 night's FREE camping for the kids.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Victoria"

Feb 03, 2024

TAWKer Supporters - Goods and Services


Our TAWKer Supporters are goods or services that will benefit TAWKers in some way or offer TAWKers discounts on their services. Support them as they support you.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporters - Goods and Services"

Jan 11, 2024



Euka - Educating your children as you travel Australia will be one of your biggest concerns. Complete Education Australia may have the answer you have been looking for.

Continue reading "Euka"

Jan 10, 2024

Ingenia TAWK Holiday Parks


We are so excited to welcome Ingenia Holiday Parks to the TAWKer Supporter Program. NSW and Victoria.

Continue reading "Ingenia TAWK Holiday Parks"

Nov 06, 2023

How much money do we need to travel Australia with kids?


The BIG Question; How much money do we need to travel Australia with kids? We asked our TAWKers, and this is what they told us.

Continue reading "How much money do we need to travel Australia with kids?"

Nov 01, 2023

Migrating to Australia but planning to travel first year while home schooling kids

Good day, We're moving to Australia (Perth) in January 2024 on a temporary visa (491) but looking to travel for the first 12 months around Australia while

Continue reading "Migrating to Australia but planning to travel first year while home schooling kids"

Oct 23, 2023

TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Northern Territory


Check out the camping spots and caravan parks in the Northern Territory offering TAWK Members at least 2 night's FREE camping for the kids.

Continue reading "TAWKer Supporter camping Spots - Northern Territory"

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